Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

The day after Rob's deadline was the day of "S" activities for us, as it were -- shower, sleep, se-- well, never you mind, followed by more sleep, then shopping and steak. The local Outback, in this case, where we received a nifty free promotional glass and a couple coupons for free Bloomin' Onions in addition to having the best meal in almost two years (since that tremendous one in Bristol), in major part because of the company -- our first date in over a month! -- but also because I decided to order the steak (which I never eat at home, as we're a no-red-meat household) well done. I've really gotten sick and tired lately of every food-oriented show I watch touting underdone meat, meat that's obviously not just pink but RAW RED in the middle, as proper doneness. This cult of under-doneness must be stopped! And if that takes one person at a time ordering their steak well done, so be it. Spread the word; we want to spend our evenings in bed, not in the loo! Thank you. As it's St. Patrick's Day, Robin had a green beer (Foster's premium, I believe, of which I had a sip and pronounced not bad at all) and a very strong Irish coffee. The closest I want to come to an appropriate-to-the-day Silly Site is the Random Beer Name Generator via Gerard. I particularly liked the Skinny Bastard Extra Special Bitter, for which I believe Robin will now be searching next time we go shops...