Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Via David Malki, the genius behind Wondermark, it's the Channel Frederator Awards! I love awards for which I'm not even eligible, they depress me a lot less than ones where I don't get any votes. Speaking of which, I guess 49 is the new 16. When I turned 16 I invited pretty much everyone in my class to my Sweet 16 party, and only two people showed up. This year I decided to throw a party because my 49th birthday happens to fall on a Saturday - in fact this coming Saturday, December 2 - and so far I've only received one email response to my open invitation, from my dear blog-daughter in Seattle. If y'all are that busy, I think I'll just cancel and, I dunno, eat some worms or something. Please RSVP by tomorrow.