Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 10, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

We have achieved air conditioner! Well, let me explain... no, there is too much, let me sum up. We've had an AC in abatement for the past few years, taking up about half the floor space in the library/"cat's room," as we figured the bedroom unit was on its last legs, but it keeps chugging along just fine so we haven't changed that out yet. However, this year the living room unit started having issues, so we finally made the decision that we'd switch that one instead. Amazingly, Robin had it all done and dusted (well, vacuumed in the case of the living room rug) well before noon! The new unit is amazingly quiet (hooray, no more turning up the TV to be able to hear things!) and so far we're very happy with it, but of course we didn't have it on longer than to test it out (and use the fan) because it was such a lovely day that all the windows were open and AC wasn't really needed (hence the ideal day to do the swap out). I was able to rest a lot and use up a few PTO hours, which is good because I won't be so lucky the next couple of days when I'm stationed in a freezing lower level in our Manhattan offices trying to figure out a practical use for AI, not easy when I cannot tell the difference between a real person and an AI image (via BoingBoing).