Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The drive to Mom's rehab place and back home couldn't have been better, for which I was very grateful as the forecast had been for rain and I wound up wearing my sunglasses on the homeward journey. She was a bit more herself, but I'm afraid the baseline has somewhat shifted so it takes a bit of getting used to. Maybe she could benefit from a Carpentopod:


Via BoingBoing. I returned home in plenty of time to take a nice nap, watch a bit of baseball (Mets swept the Nats, Yankees have just begun out west) and prepare for my Manhattan day tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

A whirlwind day in Manhattan, as I gave blood at the office this morning (this time it was organized by one of my partners, who was having trouble bloodletting as I started and was still at the recovery table when I finished, so I walked her back to her office carefully) and had my mammogram this afternoon (fastest ever, I was in and out in like 15 minutes including wait time). It felt great to dispense of that coflex on my arm and skin tag indicators that the mammo technician had put on me, and I don't even have any black and blue marks on the inside of my elbow! Visiting Mom tomorrow so I wanted to be in good shape for that. I feel a bit like celebrating, so won't you all sing along with me?

Monday, September 16, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

So glad I could work from home today, as we were both legit tired after yesterday's Emmy watching. But I got through all my work and put myself in a good position for going into the city tomorrow, if I can get more sleep tonight. Guess I have to rely on my trusty drug of choice:

Via Laughing Squid.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Perhaps it wasn't the best idea, after going on the exercise bike and trying to get back into a bit more of a routine, to stay up for the entire Emmy Awards, but I'm always curious about shows I'm not watching but might be interested in (the show didn't really change my mind) and, of course, the fashions. I guess the COVID rate is down enough in CA so that nobody felt like masking, but I suspect the masks just didn't go with all those shiny dresses and tuxes. In any case, it's a good excuse not to pay attention to politics for awhile:

Via Facebook, believe it or not.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

As I suspected, I was wiped today. So when we returned from grocery shopping (no garlic available, apparently the entire supply must have had waxy breakdown, not just the cloves I bought last weekend) and I saw where Liverpool had lost its first game of the season, I pretty much napped through much of the Yankees and Mets games (they both lost as well), and I'm feeling a bit better now. Tomorrow I hope to get back into exercising, particularly as I'm keen to boost my immune system so I'm tip-top for both giving blood and getting my mammogram on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Mom has pneumonia, which I suspect she picked up in the hospital before being moved to rehab, so it's just as well I'm not visiting this weekend. Not exactly a butterfly effect, maybe a butterfly wing one?

Via Laughing Squid.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Although Friday the 13th done fall on a Friday this month, I was well prepared and had a pretty good day as a result. Yesterday Robin changed out the batteries in our car key fobs (who knew that was the reason they'd been failing lately, and we wouldn't have to spend a pretty penny on new ones?) and my work colleague brought me new batteries for my laptop mouse, so things went very swimmingly even though it was a triple deadline day. And despite still being fairly exhausted from the last three travel days (Manhattan, NJ, Manhattan again) I finally made a stir-fry again, although next time I need to start the tofu a good deal earlier to get it crispy. Mets won over the Phillies, Yankees look like they'll probably lose to the Red Sox, so I'm giving up on TV for the night, with your regular reminder that the Riggs Residence is a binational household divided by a common language:


Via Laughing Squid.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Back in Manhattan, and thank goodness the workday was so busy, as it didn't allow me enough downtime to think too much about Mom's current situation. I know she's being well cared for, but it feels like a seismic shift has happened, and as much as I've learned (largely from work) to be nimble and adaptive to change, sometimes I don't have an easy time of it. In any case, I was grateful to be kept on my toes today, I had tons of food around thanks to a couple of my partners giving me two slices of pizza to supplement my usual poke bowl, and the UN-related traffic so prevalent on Tuesday was nowhere to be found this afternoon so I got the bus (which even waited for me!) even earlier than usual and made it home before sundown. Fortunately, Humor Bagel (via BoingBoing) was nowhere to be found.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Today we visited Mom again in the rehab facility in the NJ mountains, we had a family meeting about her plan going forward, and she's being well cared for. Time for some self-care now, as I'm pretty exhausted and I have go to into the office tomorrow. Not sure I'll return to NJ this weekend, a lot depends on my state of mind and body. I'm even running out of silly sites again. Have I already posted all of these links o' silliness?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, that was a lot of fun getting home from Manhattan today, the first day of the UN General Session with tons of diplomats and dignitaries all wanting to tool around midtown, so naturally the NYPD accommodates by inconveniencing commuters. Wasn't worth walking all the way to the west side bus as that was snarled too; good to know for Thursday's homeward commute. And considering tomorrow is the anniversary of the WTC attacks, I'm certainly not in the mood to watch tonight's political debate. I'd rather watch these wacky rock star animated vignettes.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Work wasn't too bad, although I did lose my train of thought a few times, which I expected to do considering the circumstances. Nevertheless, lots of forward movement, and I believe I'm more than ready to go back into Manhattan tomorrow, were it not for the UN General Assembly thing that's going to screw up my homeward-bound commute. Where do I protest with a hilariously polite sign?