Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but it didn't affect my job performance, and I got everything done between watching the best Olympics opening ceremony I've ever seen. I mean, it was just so superlative on so many levels, it'll take a long time to process it. So glad I was able to see it live, so disappointed I had no choice but to watch it on jingoistic American TV. I'm one of those viewers who cares about all the athletes, not just the Americans. According to Universal, we don't actually exist. We watch, therefore we must all be Team Oo-Ess-Eh. The ceremony being six hours ahead of us, it was all over with plenty of time to get ready for tonight's baseball games, although I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I can watch all the stuff I can only see every few years. Do they have creative sock stacking on cats this year, or is that still being worked on?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The humidity persisted, but the temperature drop was quite the relief. I wore the knee brace again but felt I didn't need it by the end of the day. Many of my colleagues were headed towards our summer social at the Hudson Yards where our new offices will be, but I didn't feel like schlepping my laptop around so I opted to be the old fuddy-duddy as usual and came straight home. Seriously, I'm so old I remember when science fiction wasn't automatically dystopian:

Via Laughing Squid.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Another wonderful day off, as I slept a lot, watched some Olympic football and rugby (starting before the opening ceremonies because there's group/pool play and these things Take Time), played online games, made a humongous bean salad (took three large storage containers to chill in the fridge), and worked on my knee a bit so I'm going to bed with it feeling a little better in the hopes I don't have to brace it tomorrow. I also wallowed in a bit of nostalgia watching this, particularly during the baseball game as the Mets were winning against the Yankees. I even looked in vain for my 7-year-old self in the crowd scenes, fancying that maybe the footage was taken on the same day I was there.

Via Laughing Squid. How did I not remember that traffic lights in NYC used to be only two colors?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

My left knee has started hurting, which is probably caused by a nearby tendon that needs to be massaged, so for now I wore a brace into the city for my in-office day, knowing I can rest the knee and the rest of me tomorrow during my PTO day. Glad I was in the office, sat down with a couple partners I support and made travel arrangements for a couple others (our agency is still reeling from the IT outage last Friday but at least I was able to get through, which I don't think I could have yesterday). The temps aren't outrageous either, but the humidity left me feeling a slick filminess all over my skin, which wasn't pleasant. Not going anywhere tomorrow (especially as the Mets-Yankees game is at night, I'd actually consider attending an afternoon game at the Stadium) and I'm not even feeling FOMO over all my friends going on vacations and to conventions and even to the Deadpool-Wolverine premiere. After all, Ryan Reynolds is the gift that keeps on giving:

Via Laughing Squid.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

A good work-from-home day, culminating in an empty in-box again and an actual desire to be in the city tomorrow. Aside from body aches and really missing open windows, things have not gone badly for me at all of late. I've even started to read political posts on Feedly and Facebook again, now that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is someone I can support without reservation, and someone who's younger than me. I really do think you need to be younger than me to do that job, I can get exhausted and dizzy rising from my recliner so, yeah, age is a factor for some of us. Although, granted, I'm not this old:

Via Laughing Squid.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I seem to have a bit of the stomach ailment that had been plaguing Robin yesterday, so no biking for me. My appetite isn't affected, just what food does to me after I eat it. So I slept a lot today, watched two NY baseball teams lose (although not horribly), and learnt about the whole new ballgame that is our American electoral season. I wish we were a bit more like Great Britain, six or so weeks and done, no electoral college, ranked choice voting for parties... but hey, we can't even get our act together on healthcare and the metric system yet. And I sometimes hold out little hope if this is the way, for instance, folks in Alaska celebrate Independence Day:

Via Laughing Squid.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Robin woke up not feeling so hot, so I went with my instincts and decided to go out early to give him the rest of the day to recover. We checked out the gas station around the corner to see if they could fix our windshield washer fluid reservoir, but the auto shop was way too busy, so since I need to get the car inspected next month anyway I decided to put it off until then. We got in and out of the supermarket an hour earlier than usual, even buying extra stuff like the makings for a bean salad, and arrived home in plenty of time to see the last non-time-trial stage of the Tour de France, which I've been getting into a lot more than I expected to. So happy the Olympics are just one short week away! Mets won, Yanks lost, I still love baseball but seriously, Olympics on the horizon. Meantime, I can get caught up with the music of this century the only way I truly know how:

Via just about everywhere, because Weird Al is quickly becoming another national treasure.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Ooooh-kay then. I woke up to the news that there had been an IT "oopsie" resulting in millions of Microsoft-using folks worldwide being inconvenienced or worse. Fortunately it didn't affect anything I had to do using my work laptop, so that's a mercy. I would have sicked Alan Becker on them anyway, look at what he does with geometry:

But it looks like things are slowly getting straightened out, this morning's Tour de France stage was pretty exciting, I logged off with an empty in-box, and I'm ready for the weekend. I actually feel better than usual, considering how I tend to go off the rails when encountering a tech or mechanical or health issue. I hope this bodes well for the days to come!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I actually felt refreshed after my day off, which made the work day much easier. The heat seems to be breaking, although I wish it would take the humidity with it. But I got on the right bus today and the AC worked and I wasn't a total wreck upon arriving home, which leaves me in good shape to work at home tomorrow and get various errands done during the weekend. Maybe I'll even cook some eggs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Yep, I think this Wednesday PTO thing will work out very nicely. The heat hasn't yet broken, and unfortunately yesterday's afternoon commute on the wrong bus (I should have waited five more minutes for the right one) left me so achy I didn't sleep very well and my subsequent body aches had me up way too early in the AM so I decided the heck with taking the car in, I'll try again maybe Saturday. No baseball either, so I got some Amazon Prime Day stuff but mostly caught up on sleep and relaxation, on one of those rare occasions when Robin worked and I didn't. I could get used to this! It was an Oreo Kintsugi kind of day:

Via Laughing Squid.