Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

With so many colleagues complaining about laptop failure (mine is a fair bit newer than theirs, I got it about a month before the COVID shutdown and subsequent work-from-home-forever period began) and their inability to access files, I decided this relative downtime was the perfect opportunity to migrate my electronic files to my personal networked drive in the cloud. I began the process yesterday, archiving all my data that I don't use that often, and today I backed up all the rest. While I was moving or copying I said to myself, "self (because that's what I call myself), since you're doing this for the first time and learning as you go, this would make a handy step-by-step tutorial for others to do it too." I sent it to my supervisor and mentor, and within like 10 minutes it had gone all the way up the ladder to the head of administration, who has been planning to migrate her own files so it was, like, a perfect storm. So much for keeping a low'ish profile until my retirement in half a dozen years! Our look at logos continues with The Worst Logo Failures Ever.