Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The toe still hurts a lot, especially where the skin peeled off on the bottom, but I worked from home today so I could start soaking it thrice daily and I'm hoping it's showing incremental improvement. I took an hour off to get another blood draw, this one local and prescheduled online so I knew I could get in. I also got my A1C results from yesterday, definitely not what I'd hoped, but with the junk food and lack of exercise caused by being in the office thrice weekly it's not exactly a surprise. I'll just have to start watching what I eat more, and finding time to go on the exercise bike again once my foot issue resolves. Cutting down to two office days a week this summer should help with both things. And I promise I won't eat any of these:

Via BoingBoing.