Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I got very little sleep last night for whatever reason (could be the weather, could be the foot thing) so I was kind of zombified today. Did lots of walking as the medical center would not take my podiatrist's req, so I'll be getting a second blood draw locally tomorrow. Tried to do a walk-in but the wait would have been too long. Wish I'd known that before doing all that walking, because when I got home I found I'd bled through my sock from a blister on the bottom of the infected toe. I have no idea if the two things (the infection and the burst blister) are related, I'll find out when I see the doc again in a week. But I'm in a lot of pain now and definitely working from home tomorrow, only going out to get blood draw #2 locally. Fun times! Speaking of fun, enjoy Elon Musk being hoist on his own petard by AI.