Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

I blame - or credit - Alton Brown and his wife Elizabeth. So we've been catching up on episodes of Qurantine Quitchen on the YouTube, an absolutely delightful series by the way, and they start many episodes by making cocktails. Today we watched the one recorded on Bastille Day, where they did a bit with Clamato and Bombay Sapphire and we decided to make a version (it was after 12 PM by this point) using low-sodium V8 because SO MUCH SALT in Clamato. It turned out very tasty but led us to wonder where our cocktail measuring cup and strainer were, as they hadn't shown up when I took my recent kitchen inventory. Robin had gotten on the stepladder to look for it in the cabinets atop the fridge and sink and oven where we can't really reach, and I said "As long as you're up there I'd like to finish my inventory of what's in those upper cabinets" so that's now done. Then he hit on the idea to look on the bottom shelf of our living room side table (right alongside the couch so we can't ordinarily get to it), and lo and behold, there it was with swizzle sticks and an ice bucket and extra glasses and other things we'd put aside but never used for when his friends came to stay, a few weeks before Zed moved in permanently. That in turn led to me adding the "living room side table shelves" and "top of the wine rack" contents to the kitchen inventory because I might as well (the cocktail cup/strainer are now atop the wine rack), only I can't sort the damn list because my Mac's version of Excel is broken and crashes every time I try to sort a spreadsheet. I can't wait for Office 365, which we'll be installing as soon as I get it on my work computer, which isn't going to be for another couple of months, le sigh. Anyway, so the cocktail was very nice, although maybe I prefer these handsome men with strong eye contact drinking coffee and tea.