Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

Our day was really thrown off, as we hadn't been feeling that well (ow, my right knee!) but knew we had to do the Old Folks' Hour this morning at the supermarket, which meant getting out of the house pre-sunrise so we could get back (and gas the car up, something I don't think I've done in four months) by around 7:30 or so. Then Robin decided it was a good day to scorch the breakfast meat we'd just bought, and we were just about to collapse into a happy post-shopping, post-brekkers coma to soothe our aching bodies when the noise began. Huge-ass cherry picker and industrial wood chipper (we'd seen a bunch of them in the parking lot across the street from the supermarket, maybe they were part of the multi-state recovery operations post-Isaias) going to work on trees across the fence from our driveway, where a tree fell onto a backyard shed and into the neighbor's yard blocking the deck in back of their house. The operation lasted at least a couple hours, removing the offending limbs and such (many of which had gotten tangled in the cables on the side of the house where we live) and taking down an extra tree and some more branches for good measure. Between that and the noise of our living room AC, I was more than ready to collapse after the workers had finally departed. I've been suffering from weird sleep cycles lately (may be related to the body pains), as I'd napped after work ended yesterday, woke up at 7:30 and thought it was this morning rather than last evening. So this afternoon's nap didn't exactly refresh, but my body needed to collapse anyway. Meanwhile, still more people are re-creating artwork, and I feel like, what's wrong with me anyway? I wonder if there's a famous work of art depicting unaccomplished lumps...