Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Aaaand the lingering illness continues, as neither of us got a lot of sleep last night. We'd decided to use our brand-new penguin-shaped humidifier, which was a ghastly mistake as all it produced in me after 20 minutes was the most intense coughing fit I've had in years, causing me to almost throw up and experience the worst nerve pain I've ever felt, like some kind of electric shock was going through me. Don't tase me, bro! We immediately shut off the penguin and in desperation I did something I haven't done since before the hospital stay in December '05 -- I hit the NeoSynephrine. I'm keenly afraid of slipping back into addiction and doing myself more damage, but I have to say there's nothing like actually being able to breathe immediately upon inhaling a spray of that sucker. So far I'm absolutely limiting myself to one spritz in each nostril every four hours, but already I'm leery of the side effects so it's been pushed to the back of the medicine cabinet during the day, in the hopes the Coricidin HBP will finally kick in. I'm trying to forget my current state by rereading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix after having finally seen the film yesterday. Whilst I'm not looking forward to all the brooding I remember from the first time I read it, it makes a nice change from Oz; Ruth Plumly Thompson may be cute light reading but she's no Jo Rowling. Of course, I'm not one to talk; my latest column is up at ComicMix as proof of that. Heck, I may even have the blues but I'm no Flora Williamson, despite what the Blues Name Generator (via Gerard) says...