Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

If there's anything bad that can be said about living in this house, it's that the heat has never quite worked properly. While it's much better than our old top-floor place in Bensonhurst, it's still too sporadic. Our downstairs neighbor was supposed to contact the landlord today, so we're hopeful, but we've got the space heaters going at full force which I'd really rather not have to do, and we've spent most of the day in the warmed, curtained-off bedroom. Naturally I drifted off, but I needed the sleep and got the few things done that I wanted to do during this "off day" so I don't feel as though any time has been wasted. And there's the dinner bell (the doorbell actually, as we ordered out). Speaking of which, you must try Eurorail's dancing-turkey holiday greeting card (via Moi at Bloggg).