Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Happy Chanukah! I just now lit the first candle, as my last day of training at the office left me fairly wiped and Robin's deadline did much the same to him. So we went out for our anniversary dinner (we got married nine years ago today, and I see where the 9th is the Leather Anniversary which pleases him greatly as that means I can buy him another levvuh jacket) then came home and collapsed, and I've only just gotten up again. I can't believe I forgot where to place the candle before lighting it. This game helped. I had to (virtually) go to Berlin to find it, but there you are. Tomorrow I make latkes, if I can rouse myself from bed. It'll be good to sleep in again, particularly since I have plans to go into Manhattan for four days in a row after that (hope the weather warms up a tad)...