Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

The personal stuff for my boss that had been weighing on the back of my mind all weekend was taken care of well before 9 this morning, and I actually seem to be in good shape except for the Huge-Ass Project; hoping to finish proofing the 10,000 lines by mid-afternoon so I can go back to the four letters where I had to gather info using a different radius, which data constitutes another two reams or so (the "S" names alone take up one ream). I was hoping to have Phase I completely out of the way at least two weeks ago so I can start on Phase II (doing the whole project all over again with a different carrier) but such is life. Not going to worry. I'm more concerned at this point with my Thursday scheduling madness -- Mahattan job interview in the morning, Datsa's new vet visit (local) around noon, cardio visit (again in Manhattan) late afternoon, Studio 60 live-blogging at Lance's place (from home) in the evening. Busy day planned; I hope I mapped it all out okay. Scratch message, what do you think?

Scratch message generator
via Gerard.