Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

No sooner did I finally get through yesterday's workload and onto Google Reader to check the source feeds I glean for ComicMix news items, than Google decided to disappear them. All of them. I thought they were lost completely. They returned this morning, way too late for me to do anything about them since I'm back on the Huge-Ass Project again (not to mention other servant-type stuff), but let that be a warning -- always make a list of your feeds (or at least what you've named the feeds so you can relocate them) just in case. In other news, my sciatica seems to have gotten worse, with sudden shooting pains all down my left side that come and go for no apparent reason, so thank goodness I'll finally be seeing my primary care physician next Monday morning so I can get a referral for physical therapy and a renewal prescription for my blood pressure meds. I really want to get back into the kind of shape where I'm capable of moving without pain. Speaking of which, via Karen McLaughlan, here's a calculator designed to answer the question, How far did the Earth move for you?