Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

I know I'm remiss in doing my post-Thanksgiving linkfest, but hey, at least Datsa let us sleep until about 7:15 this morning, round four of washing-up is now done and drying in the dish rack (alas, I underestimated it will take five rounds to clean up everything used on Thanksgiving), I've more or less caught up with where my comics reading was before the new DC comp box came (I'm back to the "S" titles), and I think I finally feel rested enough to venture outside with our accumulated trash then drive the short distance to the auto shop to get my driver's side windshield wiper replaced. Maybe I'll even have enough energy left over to do more than one trash run and reconcile my checkbook/organize my finances. Another exciting weekend here at the Riggs Residence! Just one more week until my birthday and the Pen-Elayne Party - no RSVPs yet but I'm sure I'll hear from y'all any day now! Oddly, my Balinese Sign, the Coconut, doesn't mention personal insecurity, but does say that I "cannot keep quiet, tendency to exaggerate, needs compliments, sometimes a bit superficial, arrogant, likes disputes and sticks to his/her own point of view." Okay, maybe about 70% of that is true, but can't one say that about any astrological reading? The Balinese astrological sign website is via Gerard at the Generator Blog.