Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

The ankle sprain has gotten worse (doo-dah, doo-dah). I had to get up in the night, as my system's totally been thrown out of whack from the pain, and even the short trip from the bedroom to the bathroom (maybe about 10 feet) was excruciating, as is the equally short trip into this room (another 10 feet) to get to the computer. I think I have a grade III sprain, as I cannot put weight on the foot at all without unbearable pain. Because I cannot walk, I can't even get out of the house to see a doctor, much less go to work. I'll need to ice and elevate some more, which I can't effectively do here at the computer, and I've just substituted a compression bandage instead of the ankle brace I'd been wearing. But mostly I need to keep my ankle area higher than my heart, which means being Away From Keyboard for most of the day. If things go better work-wise, the first thing I'm going to get will be a laptop so I can blog in bed. Going back now. Here's a Silly Walks Generator (via Gerard); you'll notice two legs are used in all walks.