Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Not feeling terribly silly today. Nothing fits right, nothing feels right. I'm bloated, itchy, uncomfortable in my own skin. I'm uncomfortable (more so than usual) at work as well, having to do more "servant stuff" involving personal matters for my boss' family that I'd rather not even need to know about. Plus, it's another cement "pouring day" for the construction going on next to our building's parking lot, so I had to cover the car again this morning so the wind doesn't splatter any cement on it, on a day when I can hardly move. I just looked out the window and there's a trailer loaded with huge steel girders sitting in the middle of our lot, rendering drive-through traffic impossible. All in all, I wish I'd stayed in bed; I hope this situation breaks soon.

Yet another highway sign generator via the Generator Blog.