Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Ahh, my first day this week without someone camping out in my office - feels good! Don't know how much I'll catch up on the ridiculous number of unread blog posts currently sitting in my Bloglines subscriptions, but at least I feel marginally better than I did yesterday, thanks in large measure to a wonderful dream I had wherein I was hired by some nebulous corporation to work for a smart, friendly executive in her '60s who introduced me 'round to all the other friendly people who welcomed me enthusiastically and smiled with me as I anticipated giving my two weeks' notice at my present job and offered me free tea and let me make copies on this great photocopier with a faux-wooden frame. I woke up wanting a faux-wooden-framed photocopier. Anyway, reading Augie's glee at the possibility of a Black Adder movie reminded me of this amusing little video segment about Safe Sex, via my "neighbor" Keith DeCandido.