Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

A quiet day so far, after yesterday's dictation marathon, but the afternoon promises to be more hectic so I'm not sure how much blog-reading I'll get through, let alone blog-posting. Ragnell noted about me that "She mostly links, gives valuable information to the non-geeky world (the one I shun voluntarily), and links some more and sometimes there's pictures," but there's more to me than that, honestly. Some of you who've been here awhile remember that I've been known to do actual essays on comics, politics, feminism, New York, sushi, anything else that strikes my fancy at the moment.

But I feel so overwhelmed and out of touch lately that I haven't done much more than linky-love and blogarounds. I'm actually the same kind of person Ragnell describes herself as being, someone who makes connections and is into lots of different things but few to the point of obsession. So maybe it takes more obsession than I can summon up to blog consistently and at length and keep people interested.

I don't know what the answer is at this point. I do need to focus more on my writing. So I'm looking at this slow-posting period as a temporary slump in my batting average, and I'll try to do better even though nobody's keeping score but me. In the meantime, at least I can still egosurf (via Christopher at After School Snack), and be happy with the 8927 ego points that I have.