Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Le sigh. Bloglines still shows the following sites on my regular-reading blogroll as having feed errors, going into the third day now: from the Liberal Coalition, the main LC site, Charles2, Horatio, Kathy, MercuryX23, Mustang Bobby, Rivka, upyernoz and Wanda; from News+Views Gals, CJ, LabKat, Nona, Shari and Shaula; from da Guys, Adam, Alex, Ampersand, Atrios, Bill C., Digby, Elton, Jeff A., John R., Justin, Raed, Roy, Scaramouche, Terry, Tim and TBogg; and from da Groups, Blondesense, Culture Kitchen, Pandagon and Skippy. I'm certain this outage is a major reason I'm actually caught up in my blog-reading, because obviously I'm really not, and I'm kind of dreading the actual catch-up when the feeds start working properly again via Bloglines. In the meantime, have some Aliquis! Apparently that's my brand name, according to this brand name generator found by The Generator Blog, and my brand will be unique because this made-up word apparently denotes "power through drive." Sometimes I really wish I worked in an ad agency, they seem as out of touch with reality and actual discourse as many politicians do!