Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dem's Good Reads, 25 June Edition

Briefly, because who has the time:

The Heretik reminds us that today is the anniversary of George Orwell's birth, and Billmon commemorates it with a dispatch from the Oceania News Network.

Lots of goodies at Shakespeare's Sisters place, like Paul the Spud noticing the connection between the newest crop of internet scare stories and the net neutrality discussion, not to mention the Left Behind videogame and spyware; and Melissa asking for actual examples of the left-wing equivalent of some (in)famous far-right loonies in her latest warning against false equivalency.

Colleen Doran on how being a comic book artist is not the suckiest job in the world.

If you're a woman who likes science fiction and fantasy, you may wish to submit (by June 29th) to the first Carnival of Feminist Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fans, hosted by the always-wonderful Ragnell on July 2nd. I'm hoping to do so if only to show Ragnell that I can too post essays here. :)

Digby is resigning from the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy, which will probably sadden Justin who, as far as I know, is the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. As I mentioned, I don't much care about this latest inside-baseball bloggy fracas, as I never get invited to the cool kids' parties anyway, with one major exception.

Barista is out of the hospital, and I'm very, very glad he's still with us.

Okay, that's it, I've "finished the internet" and Bloglines hasn't restarted its feeds on all the blogs that are still marked with errors, so it's well past time to finish up those DCU comics and hit the sack...