Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Bloglines is still not seeing my Atom feed after three days, so if you read Pen-Elayne via that newsreader and you happen to have clicked on my blog wondering where I am - well, I'm still here, and please subscribe to my alternate feed instead for the time being. (Someone set up a LiveJournal feed for me eons ago, which is good and bad because, while it's useful for RSS purposes, it completely blocked off "penelayne" as usable for an actual LiveJournal and wouldn't even let me sign on to change it because I wasn't the one who set it up, so had to use "elaynetoo" instead for my backup LiveJournal blog.) As we tore about a bit yesterday (Ikea and Home Depot in one day, whew!), today's strictly at-home, monitoring Datsa who's now off his medicine and back on a specially formulated dry food as the new vet thinks all he needs is more fiber. If I have the energy, I may even do the ironing, if you know what I mean. Speaking of which, here's a Euphemism Generator, to to speak. Know what I mean, eh? eh? Via Gerard's Generator Blog, to which I'm now subscribed thanks to Jim at Empty-handed. Humph, not fair, Gerard's Atom feed shows up on Bloglines, why won't mine? pout pout...