Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The results are in on this Independence Day. The Brits have retained their sanity while the Americans seem to be losing theirs. I'm not sure if this guy won or not:

(Via BoingBoing) I kinda hope so, that's around where Robin used to live. In any case, the good(ish) guys seem to have won there, while we're here whining about an old guy doing badly in a debate against a felon who should have been disqualified for office at least a decade ago. In other news, the banging of fireworks does not seem to abate even in a room with both the AC and fan going at full white-noise, so welcome to the Fourth. At least we had a lovely holiday meal and watched some fun movies. Perhaps back on the bike tomorrow.