Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The car behaved well on the way to the supermarket, but on the way home the Air Bag light came on and didn't go off after a few seconds like it's supposed to. Good excuse to call an actual Hyundai service center this week and make an appointment to have it looked at (and the power steering assembly double checked), but I hate how my free time is being killed by Stuff That Needs Doing. On the other hand, this weekend we have no other plans but to watch baseball (including the Mets in London, who did not do well today, and the Yankees versus the Dodgers at the Stadium), read and sleep, so there's that. Things could be way worse than a bit of FOMO at all my friends and colleagues vacationing or going places in perfectly working vehicles, I could be an idiot with dyed armpit hair.