Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

So much sports watching, gearing up for the Olympics! Tour de France in the mornings, then the Euro football, baseball (Yankees won, Mets losing after a 3-hour rain delay), and Olympic trials. The perfect way to spend a muggy-then-rainy Sunday. I finished perusing the local papers, and the How to Draw workbook is now the only thing taking up the couch, so no escape after tomorrow's NJ trip! Even my finances are all done in preparation for mailing out my rent check tomorrow. The secondary monitor on my work-from-home setup started blinking again on Friday, so I've asked Robin to switch it out for the new one that's been sitting in the library, still unboxed, since I ordered it a few years back. We will then finally be out of boxes! Oh, and we did watch a few minutes of the Pride Parade (so corporatized now, but then I remember when they were Just Folks in the '80s), which brought to mind these videos about gay voice and gay face... Hope your Pride Month was lovely, everyone!