Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

My first full day of our week-long vacation, and I'm already getting into the swing of things. My podiatrist gave the all-clear to my hallux infection (clearing nicely, doesn't want to see me until my next medi-pedi), we did our food shopping (a bit more than usual since I'm home all week), and I started delving into this week's comics box, all the other Saturday errands got done, and I've at least formulated a plan for other things I want or need to do this week. The car is working fine except of course for the windshield washer reservoir which needs replacing (I consider that the car's hallux version of Things That Go Awry, if that's the worst of things I'm in good shape), and I'll gas up before we head to NJ on Monday. For the rest of this coming week I want to start on exercising (both the neck and the rest of me via the stationery bike) and drawing, in between resting. A full week for sure, and that's not even counting going out! This summer I want to stay close to home and explore Manhattan things like Chinatown and the Empire State Building, but given my druthers and unlimited time/money I might like Oslo:

Via Laughing Squid.