Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

And so the longest week in Manhattan since the Before Times begins, with four straight days in the office. Thank goodness this should be the last such week, as next week is the firm's summer shutdown and when we come back I'm taking just about every Wednesday as a PTO day through the end of September. It's especially tricky in the summer when so many express bus drivers take vacation days (hey, just like me!). This morning's bus that skips the crowded Inwood area never showed, so we all had to get on the lesser-liked route ten minutes later. But all in all, it was a lovely day weather-wise and I had enough to keep me busy until I got my usual bus home. Still, what I wouldn't give to watch the cheese rolling contest:

Via BoingBoing.