Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I refuse to do anything in this heat wave that will compromise me, particularly as I have enough minor body issues without making things worse, so it's mostly been a day of watching international football and local baseball (and the KPMG Women's Golf thing which I'm sort of obligated to follow because Job). I had to get up around 3 AM because my knee was really aching, and managed to crawl back into bed around 5 after very quietly getting out my knee brace. But it's definitely been a day for taking it easy, particularly considering I'm in the office four days this coming week in less than ideal weather. My only regret is that I didn't think to stop by the early voting place sooner to exercise my franchise, as there's no way I'll be voting in Tuesday's sweltering temps. If you're also looking for something fun and sedentary, there's always a game on a platform called Steam (first I'm ever hearing of that) called Banana (via BoingBoing)...