Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The toe behaved better than expected once encased in my sneaker, so I'm hopeful the doctor will say it's healing when I see him again first thing tomorrow. Still, once I got to the office I pretty much stuck to my workstation and didn't move around more than necessary, only going outside for lunch a half block away. The heat isn't oppressive yet, but we're bracing for worse to come, and I even got a couple identical text warnings from Con Edison about not using too much energy during peak hours. Not a problem at the office, as it's not my electric bill, nor really at home since all our ACs are energy efficient and therefore aren't running constantly. Both NY baseball teams won today, which was good, but the world lost Willie Mays, which was sad even though it was fairly expected. Looking forward to spending tomorrow's holiday watching Euro football, although Scotland is playing rather than England (and a very happy 82nd birthday to Paul McCartney!). In any case, Wales is not playing; probably just as well as sometimes Welsh gets lost in translation.