Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Enforced inactivity sucks. Dropping things sucks even more. I'm in the midst of both, the omelet I made for Robin jumped out of the pan this morning (no casualties) and my dinner flew out of my hand this evening (again, all's well), so frustrating! I don't think it's the antibiotics, although they seem to be making me a bit tired -- or perhaps that's still the physical trauma from yesterday, as the bottom of my left big toe is turning a lovely purplish where the injection sites were. Still, I soak the foot twice daily and hope that darned infection clears soon so I can walk like a normal person, if not an Egyptian; and we spent the day watching All The Sports -- okay, footie (England won), baseball (the Mets did not succeed in pulling defeat from the jaws of victory), and golf (when did the audiences become so shouty?). Meanwhile, for Father's Day, here are some horrible Dad Jokes.