Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I wanted to keep my wits about me as much as possible today, looking for signs that Robin might need additional seeing to, but all appears okay aside from some puffiness around his right eye, so I'm guessing it's just bruising and we're okay. I can't help flashing back to my knee taking the brunt of that tumble a few years back, but everything heals in time, so I'm hoping Robin's mishap is just a bad memory in no time, unlike the unforgettable seagull screeching contest in Europe after which I'm sure many folks have ongoing nightmares. Neither of us was in shape to go anywhere on this beautiful day, so we stayed inside and enjoyed the mostly-quiet neighborhood, some English football and (for me) American baseball where both NY teams won, and I even got a bit of reading done before jumping into the work week tomorrow.