Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, October 30, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

OMG, what a long-ass day. We got up at, as Robin calls it, the crack of sparrow-fart to catch an early bus into the city, where we each had our quarterly blood draw and Robin had his annual physical (postponed from Friday) while I headed to the office. Turns out the meds the doctor prescribed weren't available at the pharmacy right downstairs, and were rerouted to our usual pharmacy in Yonkers, about a half-hour drive away... on a good day. This was not a good day. I left the office at around 4:30 so I could be home around sunset, but very road seemed jammed and I made it back around 6:45. Fortunately we got to the pharmacy (in the dark and drizzle, so proud of myself) around 7:15, got the meds... and Robin noticed one of my headlights was out. So that's another unexpected trip to the auto shop later this week to get the light working (and the oil changed and windshield fluid topped up) before we visit Mom next week. Never thrilled about driving in the dark, but fortunately it was all on familiar roads, and now we're back and I can't really collapse until tomorrow night because it's back to the city again tomorrow (when I have my cardiologist appointment). The one good thing about the commute today was that I didn't have to schlep home my laptop. Also, no influencers like the ones this brilliant couple parodies.