Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

My body is slowly recovering from the stress and strain of the last week. My left hamstring keeps threatening to cramp, and both of my calves cramped repeatedly in the night. Fortunately I was okay when we did our short sharp shop this morning, but my brain betrayed me and I thought cooking smoked herring was a good idea. I just wanted to try frying some fish in a new pan I'd bought. This was not the fish with which to experiment. Turns out that, even before boiling it to desalinate, the smell was so pungent that it lingers yet, and we have our air purifier working overtime. I think I had two bites of the cooked product before deciding I didn't have the energy to deal with all those little bones. Next time Robin promises to physically restrain me before I make that kind of purchase. I should have stuck with the cod. Speaking of distasteful...