Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

The heat has finally broken and it feels like early autumn out there. We rode with open windows much of the time, but by the NJ Turnpike I realized the bright sun was too much and I needed AC. Good thing I did, because it's too much for Mom and I wound up sweating profusely at her house. But she seems to be doing well, all things considered, and I'm glad we got to re-enact our annual tradition of cutting up an apple and dipping it in honey to signify our hopes for a sweet year to come. We got to relax a bit, but my physical discomfort made a nap impossible, so a couple hours after we arrived we took her to a medical appointment then home... where we ran into awful traffic approaching the GW Bridge. Took us well over two hours to finally get back. I checked my email periodically and wound up with something like 40 emails with which to deal on my shortened day tomorrow. Hard to see the beauty in things when I'm this tired, but this art blew me away. Via BoingBoing.