Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, September 06, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

I could tell I was suffering from a bit of insomnia last night, care of body aches execerbated by two days in a row of 5 miles on the exercise bike, so I took my usual two ibuprofen (one regular, one nighttime) in the expectation of drifting off by 1-2 AM. Alas, that didn't happen till around 4, and when I woke up again it was 9 AM and I was logey as all get-out from the PM pill. So that put pay to most plans for today, not that we have any because Pandemic. Although I had wanted to at least prepare something for tomorrow's blogiverary. Ah well, at least these tweets from a Kansas police department can brighten one's day.