Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

What a ruckus the last couple of evenings! The family on the other side of the fence strung up lights and were celebrating with a large probably unmasked group very loudly in the evening hours. Apparently they wanted everyone in the neighborhood to her "Shabbat Shalom" sung to the tune of "Hello Goodbye," not that much of a stretch considering Paul McCartney's current wife is Jewish. But still. I have heard "Adon Olam" sung to just about every conceivable tune (the most annoying earworm being "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing") so really, I could have done without it. Plus, it reminded me painfully of how long it's been since I've seen my own extended family and celebrated either indoors or in a fairly private yard not abutting other neighbors who just want to have their windows open now that it's finally cool... where was I? Ah yes, today's humidity meant the ACs were on again, but with any luck we can turn them off again tomorrow, in the hopes there's no big Rosh Hashanah celebration in that yard tomorrow evening. And oy, I haven't even thought about Sukkos yet... Still, I know it's mostly the problem I personally have with noise, so maybe I can stage a polite protest...