Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

The fiscal year has ended; it seemed a bit more frantic than last year, but I honestly can't tell what's what any more in this New Normal. I got all the deadline-oriented work done, and it will probably entail some cleanup tomorrow and next week, but I've planned for that. At least I don't work for the government, as one of my favorite cartoonists Matt Wuerker illustrates in this Schoolhouse Rock update on BoingBoing.


PJ said...

I saw that by the way. I was looking to find contact info on the site because that’s copyright violation and I happen to know the two people who did the actual work on that (although Tom has since passed). George is still alive and I don’t believe anything has fallen out of copyright but you can be assured that the idiot in question didn’t even check before using the material. Can’t help but notice how people who would bristle at their work being used for free would so readily use the concepts of others without even acknowledging the creators.