Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

This was supposed to be the start of a vacation week for me, but with one thing and another I'll probably have my work laptop on all week, even as I take care of a few necessary medical things and such. It's lovely outside, but I'm pretty satisfied with daily walks at this point. I got one in today, after folding the laundry Robin did (I definitely get the better end of that deal, which doesn't involve traipsing up and down 56 steps at least three times) and cooking lunch for myself. Also managed to cook dinner (alas, a bit less successfully) and read a bit, and tomorrow I may go to the local supermarket to see if I can score paper towels since all the big places seem to be out. Here, have some music for the new year and the Sabbath:

Via Mark Evanier.