Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Buy-Nothing Blog

I've just cleaned out my email -- I can't get to either my Yahoo or Gmail accounts from work, and I don't have nor (at least at the moment) do I want a phone plan with email or text capabilities, so it now waits until I remember to do it at home, sometimes for a few days or longer -- and I found at least two genuine people wanting to advertise on or sponsor Pen-Elayne on the Web. I'm not sure how they found me, I don't know of any new places that are suddenly touting this blog (do any of you?), but I thought it a good idea, as we're coming up on Buy-Nothing Day again, to point all such would-be sugar mommies and daddies to the little sentence almost at the top of my sidebar, right there to the left, that says "Please read my policy on link exchanges before asking." 'Cause, you know, Pen-Elayne is a No-ads blog, and all that. Just thought I'd mention it. Now, if you feel like sponsoring me with no strings attached and no ads desired, just because you like my blog and have money to burn, well, there are plenty of actual charities that could use your kind-hearted generosity, and I invite readers to point to some of them in the comments section.