Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Gah, exhausted. One and a half hours each way on local buses (no parking in the area), and the enforced inactivity that encapsulates the jury duty experience is very wearing. Got assigned to a judge/courtroom but not picked for the actual jury, at least not yet. I have a bad feeling I might be, since some of the chosen ones appear (to put it not at all kindly) to be dumb as posts. This is the best deterrent to crime that I can imagine, showing people what a jury of their "peers" might actually be like. For me it's mostly been fodder for my next ComicMix column; I mean, why not? Meanwhile, so many momentous things going on in the world what with Kosovo and Cuba and Armenia and Pakistan and all the American cable news networks can talk about (Olbermann included) is the stupid, stupid horse race. Thank goodness we get EuroNews and BBC World News on our cable system. On the other hand, as Susie points out, Barack Obama is your new bicycle, and a host of other things (didn't that sort of "please keep hitting Refresh" generator used to be about Huckabee supporter Chuck Norris?).