Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Despite a restless night borne of having slept too much during the day yesterday (half of which I spent catching up on a lot of blog reading and making inroads on my next ComicMix column), this morning I cooked brunch (fried eggs, fried tomatoes and turkey faux-bacon) and, having washed up already, am psyched for cooking dinner as well (turkey negimaki and assorted veg from our freezer), so I know I'm starting to feel better despite the rib muscle pain. Rob's next crushing deadline is tomorrow so he's knee-deep in things now and we won't be going anywhere today, but I'm hoping we get to do something after he's recovered enough and my jury duty's over. Maybe another Ikea run, just for the heck of it. Have I linked to the Ikea Game yet (via Hanan)? If not, have a go!