Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Ever since Hanan Levin's RSS feed, for whatever reason, completely screwed up his links (meaning I have to go on his site to get the links from the post, I can't just click on them from the feed like I can with everyone else), I haven't been linking to a lot of his stuff. I know it's "just one click" but I've taken to skimming posts as is and if something doesn't immediately catch my eye (like a link with its distinctive color and underline) I'm liable to just skim right past it. So when I'm relatively caught up I can slow down a bit, and this is what I found on Hanan's site today -- a wedding ring coffin. "Give a dead marriage its proper, final resting place" the ad reads. Although why you'd want to spend $35-40 on something after spending goodness knows how much on the actual divorce is beyond me. Maybe this is a gift for couples who are still amicable after they've split up. Hey Steve, you interested in one of these?

As I say, I finally caught up with blog reading yesterday, and wanted to mention the following posts that made me smile:

• Harry Shearer interviews Al Gore.

• Grace meets an old friend.

Kevin made me giggle again:

'S all for now! Back to the job...