Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Estrogen Month - Day 11

Today I wanted to throw out another question in addition to our usual Estrogen Month: Pop Culture Edition participation (see below for links to guidelines). That's because today I wanted to spotlight group bloggers, specifically Liz Losh of Sivacracy as she brings welcome news about "the speakers at the third annual Living Game Worlds conference at Georgia Tech. The theme is Playing with Reality, and many of those in the line-up are experts on how videogames can serve progressive political or social agendas, or they address the rhetorical or ideological character of games." It's terrific to see a pop culture-related and particularly tech-related event with what looks like a female majority. As someone with little to no knowledge of computer game worlds (my desktop is apparently not fast enough for Second World, and my first world is hectic enough for me as it is) it does my heart good to see so many women taking leading roles in exploring this area of culture that's far more popular with the younger sets than with fogies my age.

But as blogging is still popular with us all, here's my question (actually series of questions). This is addressed to women participating in group blogs: What drew you to participating in a group blog as opposed to running one yourself? Did you ever have a blog of your own and decide to close it down in favor of "going group"? How about those of you with both individual and group blogs -- how the heck do you find the time? (Between doing EM:PCE here and gathering news items for ComicMix I feel like I'm stretched really thin!) Do you post a certain way on your own blog and a different way on a group blog? Please leave responses in the comments.

As it's Sunday, I also wanted to announce the latest edition to my blogroll. Seeing no nominations in our comments section, I'm going to choose again from the bloggers I've spotlighted so far and officially add Heidi Meeley to my blogroll; welcome, Heidi!

The guidelines for nominating and voting for feminist pop-culture bloggers during Estrogen Month are outlined here. I'm also hosting the 12th Carnival of Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans on March 31. The deadline for submissions is March 29, and guidelines are outlined here (please send links via email or use this submission form).