Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

Looks like yesterday's curse has been well and truly broken. We bundled against the cold and hit both supermarkets, the gourmet one which has great salads (as I'm trying very hard to observe Meatless Monday now that my firm has adopted it) and the regular one where we get the rest of the various and sundries. I can't believe cream cheese tubs are up to $5.99 now (in both places so we know it's not a fluke)! It's almost like Philadelphia Cream Cheese created an artificial shortage so they could double the cost, imagine that! Fortunately we can afford it, and now we're all caught up with groceries being put away and comics updated and all the other things I do on a weekend. Oh, and Randy Rainbow finally has a new video so there's that:

Onward to Monday!