Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

Whew, that was a day and a half! I hadn't visited Mom in a couple months, ever since my tendinitis started acting up, but now that it's well on its way to healing thanks to a good physical therapist it was time again to try the 100-miles-each-way drive. Unfortunately, I discovered too late that, when we had restored my iPhone from the cloud a couple weeks back, the music didn't transfer over. So we listened to Robin's phone music instead, and mine is now downloaded again. We also did tons of grocery shopping because I do not feel like setting foot in a supermarket next weekend, and of course had the usual lovely visit with Mom. Robin was even pleased to see more people than we'd expected masking up in the NJ supermarket. It really is almost second nature to us now, to mask up whenever we're inside or around unfamiliar folks. Not quite sure why people keep griping about keeping themselves and others safe and healthy. The only real down side is that one cannot see fancy beards and mustaches under masks.


Dwight Williams said...

To support right-wing coup attempts, I suspect.

But I live in Ottawa, so I might be expected to believe that.
