Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

Naturally, as soon as I get home with groceries I forget that I wanted to get certain other things. Yesterday it was "OMG we forgot all the side dishes for the holiday meal," so we went out briefly this morning after the unusually exciting World Cup final and got parsnips and Brussels sprouts and I think we're now all set. As long as we were out I ventured around our old South Riverdale neighborhood to pick up a loaf of "The Riverdale Bread Baker"'s chocolate cherry sourdough, which was so delicious I've had two hand-cut slices so far. We spent much of the day recuperating from yesterday's trip, watched the movie Everything Everywhere All At Once (actually that was last night) which I highly recommend because if it's a just world it'll win tons of Oscars, and now a few old Judy Garland musicals which I always recommend. And I lit the menorah for the first night of Chanukah and had veggie pancakes for dinner. One holiday tradition we don't observe is gift-giving, other than to each other. With his family in England and mine not doing more than the usual Chanukah gelt and little toys within nuclear families, there's not much call for that craziness. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy Top Holiday Toys from the Year You Were Born (via BoingBoing). When my mom was born it was finger paints, when I was born it was... water balloons? That can't be right.