What a glorious day, and a very fun evening! I invited an old friend from Queens to make a 2-hour schlep up to the northwestern-most part of NYC and join me at the burger place run by the woman in charge of the DineOut Riverdale initiative. On the way I stopped by the local bakery which has finally come out with sugar-free cookies (delish) and the BBQ place from which we ordered on Monday so I could finally say hi to the proprietor and put a face to the name. And then... well, as disappointed as I was that there was no outdoor seating and I'd have to be in somewhat unsafe environs without a mask, as soon as I walked in at least 2-3 people said "Elayne?" and greeted me like they were old friends as well, even though I only know them from our neighborhood Facebook group! It was surreal and wonderful and well worth the hour-long walk to and from the place. My Queens friend was kind enough to walk me back up the hill, and Robin took it from the halfway point back home with me. Where we met our basement neighbor who offered a free sample of his wares as well. Great day for freebies! And I didn't even miss NY Comic Con, where my friends are probably in conditions much less safe than me dreaming of getting selfie action figures:
Via BoingBoing.
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