Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

And so my staycation ends. Despite the illness (which still lingers but is not COVID, thank goodness), I got most of what I wanted to accomplished. The DVR is still too full, I just didn't have the head for the too-humorless DCU programs that occupy most of it (and I don't have the head to finish Don't Look Up, at which I haven't chuckled once so far and I made it about an hour into it), nor to read anything heavier than my comics, but the closets got reorganized and the finances are done and, amazingly for how both Robin and I feel, all the holiday stuff has now been put away for another year. Of course we'll still be isolating, and I just saw a work email strongly encouraging all my NY office colleagues to work from home (not just we exec assistants), so until Omicron dies down I'm guessing tomorrow won't be that much different than today, just busier. It would have been nice not to have been ill, but despite best efforts I can't control my body to that extent. Maybe I haven't been eating enough beef jerky underwear...


- said...

Don’t look up... truly one of the most horrible movies ever. In trying to be so topical and witty it winds up coming across instead as swarmy - that’s precious time of my life I’ll never get back and what a waste of a cast.

- said...

Oh, lest I forget... thank you very, very, very much for your holiday card. I am absolutely honored that you include me on your card list and look forward to receiving it each year. My best to you and Robin both and hoping we are all of us in a better place in the year ahead!