Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, January 03, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

As back-to-work days go, this wasn't bad. The space heaters took the edge off the cold weather, and of course I had no need to commute, so that made things much easier. I think a few of the folks I support may still be on vacation, so I was able to handle the workload pretty well, but then we're not yet in busy season. Good job too, as Robin and I still can't completely shake our non-COVID illness. Nonetheless, he managed to do the laundry (at least four trips up and down 26 stairs, not including taking out the trash and getting the mail and delivered packages), most of which is dry or drying. Never thought that towel rack would come in handy! And since he's the laundry meister, these labels really confuse me.