Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

Weird day. I went for, and apparently failed, a stress test at the heart doctor's office, so I'm being recommended for the Nuclear Option which doesn't include a treadmill whose initial setting is too fast and with which I couldn't keep up balance-wise even though I wasn't actually out of breath at all, even fully masked. Glad I have tomorrow off, when we're meeting friends at the mostly-outdoor NY Botanical Gardens and taking human steps on ground that doesn't move. It's right next to the Bronx Zoo, but it's a separate admission to have tea with the animals, so it's apparently Scarecrows and Pumpkins for us. Be nice to have a mid-week day off, my last for awhile as I'll have no backup support in a couple of weeks and that all needs to be straightened out by my new supervisor who probably has bigger headaches. But no work talk until Thursday morning! I'm Gardens-bound!